Additional resources on first contact and the indigenous peoples of the region now known as "northern New England" include:

Emerson (Tad) Baker's website on the Northern New England frontier in the 17th century, including his bibliography page: A Guide to Sources on Maine in the Age of Discovery.

Lee Sultzman's First Nations website "History of the Abenaki"

Historic Deerfield (Massachusetts) "1704 Raid on Deerfield" site, developed with Marge Bruchac

Jesse Bruchac, Western Abenaki website

Eliot Joubert website on contemporary efforts to sustain the Abenaki language.

Ruben Thwaites extensive collection of English translations of the Jesuit Relations 1610-1791: Travels and Explorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in New France" and their  interactions with French-allied Abenaki. Including English translations of letters from Fr. Sebastien Rasles, c. 1726


Inventory and descriptions of forts and garrisons in New Hampshire in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Native American program at Harvard University.

Indigenous Peoples Conference at University of New Hampshire

Additional links to resources and teachers' aids (includng NH Public Television) on language and peoples in New Hampshire.


Musee des Abenakis, Odanak, Quebec

Musee de la Civilisation, Quebec

Abbe Museum, Bar Harbor, Maine

Abenaki Cultural Center, Swanton, Vermont

Mount Kearsarge Indian Museum, Warner, New Hampshire

Passamaquoddy People, Indian Township, Maine